REACHING an entire CITY with the ARTS collectively, intentionally and strategically.
EnCOMPASsing NJ's Capital City with the Arts
From classes to programs, workshops to performances, arts-ed residencies to social and community events, our COMPAS Teaching and Performing Artists provide a variety of phenomenal arts and cultural experiencies to area residents and visitors. Below are some of the local organizations that benefit from our COMPAS Artists. We have provided for you a brief summary of each of them. To learn more about our COMPAS Beneficiaries, simply click on the logos and you will be able to do so. Remember, the list below does not include the community at-large and is always growing, so feel free to contact us at (609) 858-2279 if you or someone you know may want to join our group of COMPAS Beneficiaries. Or, send us an email to: you would like to sponsor one or more of these organizations, give us a call.
Any Given Child
Arts for
Any Given Child
COMPAS presently serves as the Backbone/Liaison Organization for Arts for Any Given Child Trenton, a The Kennedy Center's Any Given Child InitiaStudents in Pre-School through Grade 12